Bethlehem Temple Community Church

Bethlehem Temple Community Church
The Bethlehem Temple Community Church Mission is to bring thousands of souls to receive salvation by being baptized in the Name of Jesus for the remission of their sins and to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Our Vision Is to spread the Good News near and far, that Good Success, happiness and salvation are gained by a committed life in obedience to Gods Word.Each person has an important role to till in the Ministry, by being faithful to performing the duties of that role brings great blessings to the individual and the church body. As we work on one accord, our mission is accomplished by strengthening the family units, praying for the pastorate and leaders daily, fortifying the operations of the Ministry with dedicated prayer warriors fasting and praying on a continuous basis. Our Goal Is to expand throughout the Inland Empire, to the other states and countries establishing churches, school and business that service the communities as a Saving Station and a Provider to the Needy, spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, economically and educationally.